According to Digital TV Research, the number of subscribers of SVoD streaming services (Subscription Video on Demand) is rising very quickly and is estimated a...
- Modernization of DVB-T antenna system in a multi-family building.
- Outdoor LTE antenna, channel aggregation.
- Fiber-optic technology in CCTV systems - line topology with cut points.
- Quick snapshots from surveillance video.
- Region of interest (ROI) in K1676 Sunell camera.
Google announces the Google Neural Machine Translation system (GNMT) that should reduce by 55% - 85% translation errors in Google Translate service. The system...
- SAT IF amplifiers.
- 3D printer in 19" RACK cabinet.
- Redbeam IR illuminators.
- Transmission of HD video (HDMI) from a DVR/NVR over a long distance.
- OptimaGSM alarm panel - control via RopamOptima application.
At Intel Developer Forum (IDF) San Francisco 2016, Intel unveiled its vision of virtual reality, linking the virtual world with the real world in Alloy Project...
- Firmware update of Signal cameras.
- Which series of HD-TVI cameras will be the best choice?
- Multiswitch SMATV system with fiber-optic links.
- For an aesthetic look - Slim HDMI cables.
- Combining single-mode devices into multimode systems.
The Ford Motor Company announced that by 2021 they would have highly automated cars, without even a steering wheel and pedals. The cars will be at level 4 (Hig...
- Signal camera with MOTOZOOM lens.
- New generation of HD analog video surveillance equipment.
- Designing SMATV systems with SatNet - 100% compliance with the actual implementation.
- Low-cost remote control of home appliances.
- Full information on the installation - reflectometry measurements.
Google, giant in the field of search engines, once again went a step further and, during the Google I/O 2016 conference, unveiled a prototype of a modular vers...
- Mobile access to surveillance video via P2P.
- Setting up automatic restart in Signal cameras.
- Compression connectors in CCTV systems.
- Access to the Internet with the use of TP-LINK devices.
- Flat optical cables in buildings.
Google testuje nový platební systém s názvem Hands Free. V souladu se svým názvem je systém zcela bezkontaktní to znamená, že není ani nutná funkce NFC nebo do...
- Provozní a poloviční úhly IR zářičů.
- Poplašné systémy - instalace PIR senzorů.
- Hotelový TV systém ve standardu DVB-T OFDM.
- Why LTE antennas should be broadband?
- Pasivní optické sítě (PON) - montáž rozvodných rámů a krabic.
- 4.3.2016 - tréninky a semináře.
Sběr a skladování obrovského množství informací musí být 100 procent spolehlivé. Fotky, videa a dokumenty uložené na běžných DVD se mohou zcela ztratit po 25 l...
- IP kamery napájené s PoE z NVR - nejjednodušší řešení.
- Konfigurace ukládání trasy v aplikaci Hikvision IVMS 4200.
- Komprese F konektorů na kabel TRISET-11.
- RF konektory pro mobilní a 5 GHz sítě.
- ULTIMODE quick konektory.