VoD is gaining popularity.

VoD is gaining popularity. (Nr 43/2016)

According to Digital TV Research, the number of subscribers of SVoD streaming services (Subscription Video on Demand) is rising very quickly and is estimated a...

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Artificial intelligence in Google Translate.

Artificial intelligence in Google Translate. (Nr 32/2016)

Google announces the Google Neural Machine Translation system (GNMT) that should reduce by 55% - 85% translation errors in Google Translate service. The system...

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Project Alloy - Intel enters the virtual reality world.

Project Alloy - Intel enters the virtual reality world. (Nr 28/2016)

At Intel Developer Forum (IDF) San Francisco 2016, Intel unveiled its vision of virtual reality, linking the virtual world with the real world in Alloy Project...

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Highly autonomous vehicles as early as in 2021?

Highly autonomous vehicles as early as in 2021? (Nr 27/2016)

The Ford Motor Company announced that by 2021 they would have highly automated cars, without even a steering wheel and pedals. The cars will be at level 4 (Hig...

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Google already has a prototype of ARA.

Google already has a prototype of ARA. (Nr 24/2016)

Google, giant in the field of search engines, once again went a step further and, during the Google I/O 2016 conference, unveiled a prototype of a modular vers...

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Nový způsob platby se společností Google.

Nový způsob platby se společností Google. (Nr 11/2016)

Google testuje nový platební systém s názvem Hands Free. V souladu se svým názvem je systém zcela bezkontaktní to znamená, že není ani nutná funkce NFC nebo do...

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 Data uložená ve skle.

Data uložená ve skle. (Nr 10/2016)

Sběr a skladování obrovského množství informací musí být 100 procent spolehlivé. Fotky, videa a dokumenty uložené na běžných DVD se mohou zcela ztratit po 25 l...

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