Polská společnost sídlí vyvinula inovativní systém dálkové péče, který umožňuje sledování pacientů na dálku. Systém se skládá ze tří komponent: náramek, mobiln...
- Společná antennae instalace STA od společnosti TERRA.
- Nasazení profesionálních WiFi sítí v budovách.
- Signal Fire AI-7 - spojování vláken v optických distribučních krabicích v bytových domech.
- Kódování H.265 v analogových CCTV systémech nové generace.
- Access control with the use of SATEL PK-01 door control module.
Group of scientists from the University of Cambridge, U.K., National Institute of Technology in Warangal and Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, h...
- Conclusion of the ENERGETAB trade fair.
- Time for higher category!
- LAN in two buildings - distance of 200 m.
- Distribution of DVB-T programming via IPTV system at Rehabilitation Institute in Falenty, Poland.
- Saving screenshots from cameras in Hikvision IP NVRs of I series.
- Connecting IP camera to Protect mobile DVR.
Google X, the part of Google responsible for developing most amazing projects, has launched a research and development program focusing on shipments with the u...
- We have already received dozens of your entries to the 16th DIPOL's Summer Holiday Contest 2017 "Engagingly about Antennas".
- Wireless networks in offices and hotels.
- Multiswitch system with 100 outlets in Krakow.
- Fiber splicing for everyone!
- Hybrid video surveillance system (analog + IP).
- Use of image analytics in IP CCTV systems.
- Construction Products Regulation (CPR) - new requirements for cables.
- Fiber-optic Ethernet connections.
Already last year, there were reports about the work of Google on a project called Andromeda, a system combining advantages of the well-known Android operating...
- Hotel SMATV system with optical links.
- Antenna for LTE-Advanced.
- The devil is in the details - cleaning the end faces of fiber optic connectors.
- Redundancy recording in Hikvision DVRs/NVRs.
- New series of Signal IP cameras with H.265 compression.
Tesla Inc. has been involved in projects related to the production of electricity from solar energy. The company decided to build a new power plant on the isla...
- Spring training session organized by DIPOL.
- Modern TERRA headend in a hotel in Krakow.
- Wireless point-to-point link (bridge).
- Knowledge of optical fiber structure necessary for trouble-free splicing.
- Security camera in a home intercom system.
- Access control with the use of SATEL PK-01 door control module.
Scientists from Harvard University claim that they have obtained a sample of solid metallic hydrogen. The importance of the achievement can be underlined by th...
- Multiswitch SMATV system in Krakow.
- Types of HDMI converters/extenders - part 1.
- Diagnostics of optical links.
- Dynamic IP address and access to CCTV devices.
- An application of ROPAM wireless control kit.
Polish scientists from Faculty of Physics, University of Bialystok, in cooperation with Dutch team of physicists from Radboud University, have developed a meth...
- SMATV system in an apartment building.
- Do not attempt mixing PC and APC connectors.
- Updated HD-TVI DVRs can support 3 MP cameras.
- Integration of intelligent functions of IP cameras and PTZ camera.
- Powering IP cameras with the use of 802.3af standard.
At the sidelines of CES 2017 in Las Vegas, HDMI Forum Inc. announced the upcoming release of Version 2.1 of the HDMI Specification. The new version is intended...
- Multiswitch SMATV system with fiber-optic links in a multifamily building.
- Deployment of WiFi networks in buildings.
- Types of optical splitters.
- Hikvision wins in the A&S Security ranking.
- Application of of Open Collector (OC) outputs of alarm control panels.