Researchers at the University of Waterloo have made tremendous progress towards creating small devices that do not require external or battery power supply. Pr...
- Mounting devices on rails in 19" RACK cabinets.
- Switch ideal for offices.
- What information is hidden in Hikvision CCTV device logs?
- How to differentiate Hikvision IP cameras from the economy line.
- Transmission of DVB-T signals via optical fibers.
Japanese scientists have developed a series of thin and flexible sensors that have a built-in solar cell and can be placed on the body. Their task is to monito...
- 20 years of DIPOL Weekly Review!
- TERRA digital HDMI to DVB-T modulator.
- Kidde detectors for carbon monoxide and smoke.
- New method of independent password reset in Hikvision devices.
- PoE in CCTV systems.
- Fiber optic subscriber lines - installation of a distribution frame/box.
A research team at City University in Hong Kong (CityU) made a breakthrough advancement in the search for new materials that allowed for the successful impleme...
- Certificate of compliance with standards for standing and server SIGNAL RACK cabinets.
- Multi-system analog Hikvision cameras.
- Compression connectors in S/MATV systems.
- Cost-effective IP CCTV system in a detached house.
- The order of fibers in optical cables.
Lighting is an inseparable element of modern, effective and economical cities. Many cities in the world decide to modernize there infrastructure, implement int...
- DIPOL's Summer Photo Contest!
- Additional protection of recordings in large video surveillance systems - N+1 Hot Spare function in Hikvision NVRs.
- Designing of multiswitch systems.
- Video door phone in a detached house.
- Highly efficient LTE antenna!
- Signal Fire AI-8 fusion splicer - how to start splicing?
NASA has announced that during the mission to Mars scheduled for 2020 will send a new-generation rover accompanied by an autonomous helicopter. The rover is a ...
- Multiswitch SMATV system in Krakow.
- Relationship between the level of the optical signal and the quality of RF signals in fiber-optic TV distribution systems.
- New EasyIP 2.0 plus cameras.
- Intelligent remote search of recordings from Hikvision HD-TVI DVRs.
- Jackets of twisted-pair cables.
- May 16, 2018 - DIPOL is again the leader of sales of Hikvision products.
Google announced that Google Assistant, the artificial intelligence software embedded in Android phones, and the intelligent WiFi Google Home speaker system wi...
- How to solve the problem of voltage drop on a long power line?
- Digital DVB-T/C modulators for distribution of Full HD content in cable RF networks.
- Easy IP 3.0 - Hikvision H.265/H.265+ cameras.
- Interpretation of LTE signal parameters.
- Microbending and macrobending in optical fibers.
Google has launched a new initiative called AIY Project, which includes the distribution of electronic kits employing artificial intelligence solutions. Curren...
- How to increase the range of HD-TVI signal transmission.
- Designing SMATV systems.
- GUI 4.0 for Hikvision IP NVRs.
- Does an outdoor antenna increase the speed of LTE?
- Two IP cameras on a pole, video transmission via optical fiber.
Scientists from the RMIT University of Melbourne in Australia and the Wuhan Institute of Technology in China have created next-generation disks that far outstr...
- Four-standard security cameras for every CCTV system.
- TERRA multiswitch system in a multifamily building.
- ANR function in Hikvision IP devices.
- Category of a twisted-pair cable determines its bandwidth.
- How to properly pull out optical fibers from the tube?
Engineers at the University of Washington used paper tissue resembling toilet paper as a disposable sensor. Such a sensor is light, flexible and inexpensive to...
- How to additionally protect Hikvision IP CCTV systems?
- SMATV system in an apartment building with four staircases.
- Positioning of the camera for license plate recognition (LPR).
- Elements of optical fiber structure for trouble-free splicing operations.
- Markings of twisted-pair cables.
Nowadays, when the 4K resolution in TV sets is not unusual anymore, TV manufacturers start the race in the implementation of even more advanced solutions. Due ...
- Access to security cameras via a wireless link.
- F-type compression connectors in CATV/SMATV systems.
- Comparison of images from a Hikvision IP camera with different shutter settings.
- Improvement of GSM coverage in a three-story building.
- LAN in two buildings - distance of 200 m.
Television sales in Europe have remained stable for several years. Manufacturers of televisions are looking for new, unique solutions that will convince custom...
- What are the requirements for computers used in Hikvision monitoring systems?
- SMATV system in a hotel.
- FreeIP - mobile application for Signal IP cameras.
- Fiber optics - single or dual fiber connections?
- New HDMI to DVB-T modulator.