A successor to 5G in the next 10 years?

A successor to 5G in the next 10 years? (Nr 38/2019)

While the implementation of 5G networks is still in its infancy in many countries, China is already thinking of next-generation technology. On 7 November, the ...

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Google plans to build a

Google plans to build a "smart city" in Canada. (Nr 36/2019)

Google has been given the green light to build a "smart city" in an area of Toronto, where it plans to create a hi-tech district with ecological buildings, rob...

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Elon Musk posted space tweet using a Starlink satellite.

Elon Musk posted space tweet using a Starlink satellite. (Nr 35/2019)

On October 21, 2019, Elton Musk, the founder, CEO and largest shareholder of Tesla and SpaceX, posted the first tweet using internet connection provided by the...

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Optical neural networks will form the future of intelligent CCTV cameras.

Optical neural networks will form the future of intelligent CCTV cameras. (Nr 28/2019)

Engineers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), made a tremendous progress in designing optical neural networks. Such systems are inspired by ...

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Detecting specific hand activities with a smartwatch.

Detecting specific hand activities with a smartwatch. (Nr 20/2019)

More and more people use smartwatches instead of traditional watches. In addition to indicating time, such a modern watch can handle some of the functions of u...

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The latest ranking of FTTH developments in Europe.

The latest ranking of FTTH developments in Europe. (Nr 14/2019)

The FTTH Council Europe organization promotes FTTH technology (Fiber To The Home) in order to effectively increase the access of people to high-speed fiber-opt...

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Samsung files patent for completely wireless TV.

Samsung files patent for completely wireless TV. (Nr 12/2019)

The Korean Samsung company is constantly expanding its range of televisions. The new models of TVs are getting thinner and sleeker, however, until now there ha...

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